Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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Bismarck Gazettei

Bismarck, Missouri

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300 Bennett Street lat River Missouri July 22 1963 Editor Bismarck Gazette: Through your good newspaper may we send this message to all adult residents of Bismarck and Leadwood: State HUWtleri Soetotf JJ Volume 61 Bismarck St rancois County Missouri Thursday July 25 1963 Number 22 Ex jj sit lint VjEfe fill III zwwrn InnS fill I I II 32 musnt WVJ(N7 in 4 taken to The matter of part ar i manu Com was named: Boss Lalumondler meeting held in redericktown pres jgy pievens RTJte W85 tl Bonn Moore arley lady tied up called Sheriff an ambulance A Mrs Magadena Neddo of Route 3 armington observed her 100th birthday on Mondady July Sth Mrs Neddo celebrated the event at her home which is occupied by her son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Adolph Kroeter A fam ily dinner was held on July 7th given by the Kroeters ter Those opposing the movement a 1000 gallon water spreader and Burch and Jay Stevens vtk mAvirtfr Prill nmAnt I 1 Vai Vis titvvnb the conversion would be wasted as the basem*nt quarters would not serve the purpose for various reasons A steering committee of three 32 and brought home the winning honors In the seml feature races A very fine crowd of 824 cheer ed for the drivers as the honors scattered with Tiny Greg ory grabbing off the 3rd A heat event plus winning his first tro phy of the year Don Sweeney was the winning driver in the Hobby class as his little car picked up the winner 0 GO TO CHURCH! The speaker will be the Rev James A guest speaker will be in pulpit at the that order In the hobby feature event Bob Hutchings sat in for Don Swee of Esther Ted Boyer of Bonne Monday in which the Mo Pac Rail Terre and Berl Miller of arm 1 road sought permission to aban from the Bismarck High School and will proceed through the bus iness area of Bismarck 0 Hearing Held On Abandoning Belmont Branch About 150 persons attended a Reed returned home last week from the Bonne Terre Hos pital where he had been a patient for several weeks Visitors in the Reed home over the week end were: Mr and Mrs David Moore and children of Centerville Mrs Rosalea Queen and children and Mrs Irene Pyle of Ironton Mr and Mrs Ernest Thompvn St Louis Mr and Mrs Moore and Mr and Mrs Everett Reed of Belleview 0 Samuel Morse is rememliered chit fly for his invention of the electric telegraph and Morse code but he was also one of the finest anrlv American nortrait naintent Interesting Items rom The Various Exchanges Knox and Gregory Top Local Stockers At Bismarck Track (By Marvin Poston) Although Jim Knox blew a mo tor in last racing program he came back to Bismarck on Giant Parade To Be Held Here Saturday August 3 On Sunday afternoon August the ECMO Shrine Club with membership from St rancois and surrounding counties is sp onsoring a stock car race at the Bismarck Memorial Speedway at Bismarck Races start at 1:30 pun and there will also be spec ial entertainment at the Race track by various Shrine Parade Units Tickets for this event may be obtained from any Shriner or from various individuals and business places cooperating in the project In order to further promote in terest in the stock car race the ECMO Shrine Club has arranged for a spectacular street parade to be held in Bismarck on Satur dy afternoon August 3 Parade Marshal rank Plumlee and his assistant Earl Tullock of armington have made arrange ments for one of the most out standing parades ever to be held in this county There will be parade units from Columbia Sikeston St Louis as well as many local units Among the parade units will be the Moo lah Hayshakers the Greater De Molay Drum and Bugle Corps the Tiger Motel Patrol from Col umbia the SEMO Horse Patrol and the SEMO Motor Patrol from Sikeston and important dignitar igs from Moolah Temple in Stp Louis' Tragedy Averted By Quick Action Of Local Man A near tragedy was averted last Sunday afternoon when a group of young people were tak Ing a swim ijn Cedar Creek west of Bismarck At the location on the creek known to most people as Table Rock Emmet Hasty of Bismarck was watching the youngsters as they were having a good time in the water Some of Mr children were in the number One of the group a girl of about 13 years stepped off a ledge into about eight feet of water she went under then came up and' Mr Hasty called to the others in the pool to help the girl but they evidently realize the plight she was in Mr Hasty was fully clothed but told the Gaz 1 ette saw there was no time to lose so I just pulled my billfold out of mv Docket tossed it to a I bystander and jumped in clothes shoes and all" He said he got hold of the girl and helped her to the shallow water During the conversation with Mr Hasty a number of people who are acquainted with the Ta ble Rock location voiced the opin '( ion that it is i poor place for anyone to go who cannot swim it is also a good plan not to allow a group of youngsters to go in the water unattended by an older person I ment is just now beginning iu ui ery uene iiooa junior uix ter in to the newly organized Bide Moss unit So far the unit 1133 is 1 in the third A heat cvnt Tiny in rptiro mm rnr inn limn ivnnx A congressman reported rece tie race progressed Jim Knox of TUbby Black and Gene Burch nett i tViA first tnrrn I tr9 niutvaorsr! Slur consuuivm Drought ms iiuio car in tor uir in mat oruer i iy fan Clunuiiit DahIa Am ltM Tlinna indeflrite visit with! my lol any further I can't afford i Herman Arndt Gens Burch Jack Tiny Gregory McClain and Terre Hospital on Tuesday even inuriHiui i 1 1 uitu kl tvitv rirdthM in that order inc MW mw ilVHI liHAl WI4VV 11 VUM rMI Woman Dies After Being Bound In Home One of the most shameful cidents ever recorded in this gen nrnl rpa hflmpnM Mt Weelr in the vicinity of Graniteville Mrs Claudine MacMellon 85 lived alone her husband is a pa tient In a Veterns Hospital at Poplar Bluff The elderly lady was somewhat of a recluse not a mixer in the neighborhood and allowed no one to enter her home for any reason The aged lady kept a large number of cats at her home and a neighbor Mrs Ed Womble observed Mrs MaeMellon's cats coming to her place this was late Saturday evening Mrs Womble went to investigate and found the elderly in her home She Ogle Selinger and from Ironton The victim was Hospital at Ironton and died few minutes after her arrival It is believed she had been tied up in her home for about five days with nothing to eat or drink and was in a very dazed condition She is reported to have been fearful of her rescuers and her only comment wasj that tied her up Iron County Coroner reported that she was bound securely with adhesive tape in sucti manner (haUshe could to her feet or cryout Hie lock on the door had been broken It is believed that the crime was committed by someone of the Immediate area but no rests have been made George Shaner Died Monday At St Louis know there are always sev rejects for medical reasons Respectfully Mrs A McHrath Unicity Chairman 300 Bennett Street lat River Missouri Telephone GE 1 4966 I vited to visit the unit at 501 Mor shined with his little ord as he outran Harold Montgomery dick yref! start easily during ary Moss Don Sweeney and John weather Be clreful Wilson The seml feature was full of excitement as the race was step ped twice the first time when Ken Slade Buzzy McClain and Archie Masson all tied up on the west atralghtaway to block the trank After thlu restart Ken Slade gave the fang a bit of ex Wilson and Bob Trask cltement a he creened mio the south wall and climbed up over Ia rnllm him Mr ihft AS oner was killed in the jail by two other inmates John Howell a John William Patrico was fined 17 Vear oW stono outh was in the Magistrate Court at Hills and wo other prisoners are boro on two chargea on over being held on a charge cd firs weight on gross truck length and degree murder overweight on license In the sum of $73100 on both charges There has been little change in the weather picture here during the past Hot days fairly cool in the after part of the night and a need of rain Crops are not to the point of severe damage at present but good rain would help materially 0 IRE DESTROYS HOME DOE RUN AMILY The home of Mr and Mrs red Scott of Doe Run was destroyed by fire last Saturday night when a gas cooking stove exploded The house and all contents were destroyed ROBBERY REPORTED As we go to press an uncon firmed report has come in that two men stopped a woman driv ing a car and robbed her of ab out $2500 about 12 noon Wednes day at a point near where a woman was found bound and gagged In her home last Satur day night ill a ULUoI 13 bvl awl AUKU51 AO III Should the bond issue carry then an outright ederal grant of $125 000 under the Area Redevelop ment Act is available 0 Students Planning To Enter Jr College Urged To Apply fiow I Prospective students at the lat River Junior College who have not suomntea applications for admission are urged to do so as soon as posible Students are assigned a time to report for class registration on September 3 upon receipt of the application for admission form It ia to the advantage to submit his application early to insure dh early time to register for his classesOver 170 students have already been assigned early reg istration appointments It is not necessary that junior college students who pre reglS' tered last spring submit applica tion for admission forms but all new students and students who did not pre register must com plete the admission form Appli cation for admission forms are availble at the Junior College office or they will be mailed to out of town residents upon requ est Any questions regarding ad mission should be directed to Dean Don Shook at the college 0 rvi4rf'hMAKlA ImnrftvAmAnt hftt enny Anwrimn punmn wmn according to World Book Ei cyelo been made in city strwts and al pall leys the paat few days as work men have repairing all over town Applications or Marriage Licenses July Billy Joe Arndt Min eral Point and Sharon Mae Max well Cadet July John Paul March Bragg and Barbara Joan Burns lat River July 9 Homer White and Vir ginia Bell both lat River Jidy Cledlth Leon Bartley EWIns find Juanita Ruth May berry Leadwood July 9 Thomas Lee Robertsarmington and Wilma Eileen Pulliam armington July Larry Lee Ayers and Leslie Raye Meoey both St Ann July 13 Claude Brother ton Esther and Margie Virgi nia Watson lat River I July Charles Roy Clark and Dianne Eialnc Carro both of Pontiac Michigan July Larry Joe Prlcr ar mington and Margaret Ann Gil lam Leadwood July Dallas DeVere Swee tin and Donna DeClue both White Hall Illinois July 16 Gayland Ronald Cole armington and Joan Mary Teague Bertrand July James Mitchell and Dorothy Godfrey ootn si 1V VHeha Vallej Mines and Janet Louise Burton the Warren Highland Hl July Harold lat River and Juaqlta rs Ai i iYrtrl July Paul Thomas Le 1 adlngton and Norma Roscner Desloge July 20 Orin lx Bowles Jr itnnMvell and Sharon Langley i July 20 Richard Lee Gregory pital in St I ouU since July 13 Ani nnnnio hath Iron i 1 fUIU unvwv st A I Mrs Lstha Miller of Pilot Knob that read! Improve winner's ixiise witn la maklnS nn I her daughter Mr Reed Ji' project If such an election is held it will require a majority of two thirds for passage That the jail is needed and is almost a necessity at the ent time is evident VETERANS DTO 3IEET AT ODD ELLOWS HALL A meeting will be held at Odd ellows Hall on the evening THE WEATHER of riday July 26 at 7:30 under the auspices of Bismarck Memor ial Post No 6947 VW to which veterans of all wars are invited Clarence Dooley said today that at this meeting information will be given out that will be of Importance to all veterans and he strongly urges them to at tend 1 A special $125000 bond issue ington These three will name don part of the Belmont Branch lln Di emAft maL A TTrL improvement others to work with them to get iu Hie Red Cross Bloodmobile will NOT visit Bismarck or Lead wood this year because the last visits were insufficiently product ive You see the staff from the Bl State Regional Blood Center is composed of professional per sonnel nurses and assistants whose salaries must be paid If the visit of the mobile blood unit does not collect blood enough to warrant the effort required to set up the operations then the St Louis Center concludes that the townspeople are not inter ested So the Bloodmobile visits STOP Since your workers are there by relieved of all responsibilities yet your residents are still enti tled to REE Red'Cross blood by virtue of residency in St ancois County your gratitude could best be demonstrated by the appearance of many many volunteer blood donors at the County Blood Centers July 31 August 1 and August 2 You are jcordially requested join us in the Unicity Area at The irst Baptist Educational Budding on Taylor Avenue in lat River on Thursday August 1 between the hours of 12:30 and 5:30 pm Th records of your donations along with your ad dresses are kept on file both locally and in the St Louis Blood Center I shall be happy to include your names in our schedule for the day if you will call me GE 1 4966 and tell me your preferred time Mease help us keep the Blood Program in St rancois County Our quota has been raised It I now 146 pints And we shall need all the help we can get to reach it This means at least 160 people must presest themselves You eral r'Otltlzin will be clreuiated whir will quire 300 signers and presented but Permission wa de to the county court calling for gnds thaL a special election for the passing bad ved noUce several of Tbond issue to finance the ot toe PP 1 a era The company's argument was based on their claim that the line 'was a losing proposition financial ly The hearing continued into Tues day and the decision will no dou bt be rendered within a short time but it may take several weeks the 0 ty wide meeting to be held on Wednesday evening July 24th at the Methodist Church in estus' to take further action on the mat ter of dissolving the chapter which was decided upon on June 23rd Lack of financial support and also the decreasing interest taken by the citizens during the past few years was the action ta 1 ken to dissolve the chapter At the meeting held on Wednesday night it was hoped to arouse enough interest to keep the chap ter going ney and took home the Hospital Admissions ahead of Dick Moss Harold Montgomery Bobby John Recent admissions to the Mine rm Arru ubiruixiiiiiu nunpim In the feature event It was from Bismarck included Cmrenct three car at the finish line with Eggers Mr Carolyn Riehl Mrs iim Knox vetting the nod ahead Cleo Barger and Dennis Ben I St Joseph Lead Co Plans New Mine In Reynolds County It has been announced that the St Joseph Lead Company will construct a new lead mine and mill in the northwest part of Reynolds county the cost is es timated to be in excess of eleven million dollars It is also esti mated that the new venture will furnish employment for about 170 persons A spokesman for the company said this week that clearing of the land at the site of the new location was underway When completed the capacity of the new mine will be about 5000 tons of ore per day The lo cation is approximately 20 miles from the Viburnum mine which was started three years ago and represents an investment of $18 000000 It is expected that the Reyn olds County operation will be in production in about three years National Guard Uriit Completed Duty At Camp McCoy The 201st Engineer Construct Inn fVkYVvrxa Vsr KficcMiH MaHaIIA) Guard of armington completed) 17 days of Active Duty for Train ing at Camp McCoy Wisconsin on July 7 The 201st is aseparate Con struction Company with four pri mary capabilities earth moving quarrying operations bituminous surfacing and maintenance of all types of Engineer Equipment The unit moved the 1200 mile distance to and from Camp Mc Coy by Motor Convoy While at Camp McCoy unit specialists were trained with operatorsTcranT iovel Jiday right and sat £hlnd I the mnnr crarfr ooera wheel of Melvin Pulleys little Movement Under Way or ConstructionOf New County Jail True Taylor acting efiairman a meeting was held in the dr of the Red Cross Chapter of Jef cult courtroom of the court house ferson County has called a coun in armington Monday night to start a movement tor the con struction of a new and modern jail for St rancois County Records indicate that the pres ent jail building is more than 90 years old and its condition is sifeh that effective repairing is virtually impossible Escapes from the jail have been frequent during the past few years and the Gazette was advised this week that practically every grand jury that has convened for many years have recomjncn I dod the construction of a jail (This is one of the duties of a grand jury the inspection and reporting on the condition of the jail) I The courtroom was filled to near capacity by' civic leaders business men ministers and oth ers at the meeting Monday night and all seemed heartily in favor of the proposed movement The need for a new jail has been Mr and Mrs loyd Simmons of apparent for many years and redericktown are constructing a momentum was added to the 30 patient "Ozark Home for the movement recently when a pris Aged' operators motor graoer tors power roller operators air comprcesor operations Engineer equipment mechanics diesel re pairmen and engineer Supply sp ecialists The quarrying platoon spent two weeks actually oper ating at the post quarry in con junction with the 5th Engineer Battalion a from ort Leonard Wood Missouri The over all sc iviknlool trnlnlnT WJLS UUt? VI LWUIHVUJ under the jurisdiction of Civil share in the first hobby and Bob Service Technicians from the Hutchings brought the same car Granite Citv Illinois Corps of in for the hobby feature event YTI I I Plenty of equipment was made very slick track Tubby Black en Bismarck available for this training by the tered the circle with the Surviving are his widow and one US Army Equipment Pool at honors as he outran Jack Long daughter two brothers and three' Camp McCoy I ar John Wilks sisters remont of Bismarck Many Of the men in the unit yn the second heat event Ken Jesse Mabel and Leia Shaner and will further their engineer con Slade got a good jump off the Reba Cruse all of St Louis structlon capabilities by attend front row and carried the flag) If) Ing In the near future special aherd of Herman Arndt and Buz fIIAJ Cnpaln schools at ort Leonard Wood jy McCain and ort Belvoir Virginia Jn the first hebby heat Don A Ranfc Church Due to recent reorganization Sweeney picked up the checkered ot Reserve Components equip (jag ahead of Harold Montgom SunJv Tulv 28 Mzwtr kcwrlnnlna tn fil naA ITnnfl Ittnfnr Tlv And of the court house basem*nt into The parade starts ar PM a jail was considered but this The Democrat News of rede was decidedly objectionable as ricktown notes that this is a small other parts of the basem*nt are world as recently the paper re 'use1 as offices and meeting room ceived a note from Mrs Benny for various county organizations Shell formerly of redericktown It was felt that money spent for now in Stuttgart Germany that she recently purchased a pair of shoes for their son in an American in that town and was sur prised that the shoes were Word of the death of George factured by the Trimfoot Shaner of St Louis was received pany of armington in Bismarck on Monday evening I He passed away that morning The deceased was a son of the late election for street Henry and Luella Shaner and in Potosi is set for August 13th' the movement going was bom on a farm northeast of Bismarck where he grew into manhood after which he went to St Txniis and has resided there ever since uneral services were held from the Lupton Chapel in St Louis at 10 on Wed nesday morning with interment In the flret heat event on a being in the Masonic cemetery in the irst Baptist sued a 194000 mobile machine Gregory held a close lead at the Church Sunday at both the morn Shop an emergency repair van finish line as he nosed out Gene ng and evening services The a 1000 gallon water spreader and Burch and Jay Stevens speaker will be the Rev James earth moving equipment In the handicap race for the Anderson from Kansas City Mo Men with former Corps of En Trophy Tiny Gregory came thro The morning worship will be glneers experience and youths ugh with the share as at 10:30 and the evening service who desire the six months Pro he outlasted Tubby Black and at 7:30 gram with training in Engineer Herman Arndt The public is invited to attend Construction siecialties are in 1 in the second hobby Bobby Lee each service a 1 A EC'S RS a 11111 a isher rls Street In armington CWO I clan is on duty Monday riday from 8 am to 4 tn The unit drills on most Mondayvenings from 7:30 to 9:30 It Is reported that Mrs Jack Miller Is Showing some Improve ment from severe attack ot nnmimonla She has been a patl i ent in the Missouri Baptist Hos.

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Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)


What is the history of Bismarck Missouri? ›

Historically, Bismarck was platted and recorded on Nov. 10, 1868. In an effort to attract settlers of German heritage to the booming railroad town, the new village was named in honor of Prince Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor of Germany. The strategy apparently worked.

What is the oldest town in Missouri? ›

Ste. Genevieve, the first permanent white settlement in what is now Missouri, was founded by 1750. The Treaty of Fontainebleau, which would transfer French Louisiana to Spain, was signed on November 3, 1762. The King of Spain ratified the Treaty on November 13 and the King of France ratified on November 23.

What is Bismarck most famous for? ›

Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian politician who became Germany's first-ever chancellor, a position in which he served from 1871 to 1890. Through a series of wars, he unified 39 individual states into one German nation in 1871.


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.