Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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Bismarck Gazettei

Bismarck, Missouri

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LOCAL NEWS By Mrs Carl Cooley Phone PE 4 2292 at Ironton tn members will make a EVERY DAY IS II((I)kK host Mr Deorest Mr Bit cently returned from lorida Come in start saving andfind out! Come In and See Bargain Store Assets over $26000000 yr ms njsa AH HILL'S DRUG STORE company are working to keep Power Co INSURED i Mr and Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery from Krelgh user uneral Home St Louis Paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Walter Nall and maternal grandmother Mrs Ora Ruble ORtlflS IfUUES Mr and Mrs Bert Edwards spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Andrea Skiljan at St Louis Company Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lee Strader were their children Mr and Mrs Glenn Wallace' of Desloge Jim Stra der Michael Upchurch and Peggy Strader of lat River Mrs Edward Beard Jr and Mrs Charles Simmons and baby daughter Stephanie of Lemay were guests with Mr and Mrs Edward Beard Sr last week Mr and Mrs red Smith and Mrs Audra Mae Dickie went to Republic Mo Thurs day to attend the Graduation of their grandson Ronnie Shaver and came back home riday session was opened with the Collect as our secretary was absent Mrs Shaner gave the report of the previous meeting and collected several birthday offerings Roll call response On Saturday Mr and Mrs Ralph Edmonds went to the home of their son Ralph Lee Edmonds at Glendale Missouri where a nice dinner was served honoring the ortieth Wedding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Ralph Edmonds also the Six teenth Wedding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Ralph Lee Ed monds and the birthday of Mrs Boyd Kemper who is the mother of Mrs Ralph Lee Edmonds Congratulations! "You all!" Mr and Mrs Elmo Gibson of East St Louis Illinois spent Kay and chll friend George Sunday visitors in the home of the Margaret John and Joyce Emlings were Mrs Lillian Bur nette and Mr Art Schoenberger and children Debbie Kevin Terry Ronnie Dan and Art Mr and Mrs Sylvan Bradley of Irondale visited his mother Mrs A Bradley Sunday remain in Bismarck with her mother Mr and Mrs LarryStephens of Arnold spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Paul Tinsley Mr and Mrs Bob Thomure and baby of estus arrived at her home Sunday rs Nina Goforth and all went to visit Mr and Mrs Ross Goforth at Belgrade Mrs Pauline Sating and son and daughter visited with the Rev Masons Thursday they are from Leadington spent from riday to Sunday with his aunt and uncle the Boushons Mr and Mrs Ancel Hickman and Mrs Bertha Honea of Iron ton Route 1 visited Mr and Mrs Roy Raines and children Sunday sister and husband and mother of Mr Raines Mrs Sloan Muir of Bards town Ky called on Mrs Bess Rickman and Mrs Edith Carr riday afternoon SHOP HERE OR Monday visitors in the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Edmonds were Mr and Mrs Ed monds of Maplewood Mrs Charlotte Schelffer and Mrs John McGeorge visitedher sister and brother in law Mr and Mrs Cozby at Jones boro Illinois Saturday over night and Sunday Mr and Mrs Walter Helwig and daughter Debbie all of St Louis Sandy Grounds spent Sat urday overnight and Sunday with Jackie Emling and Mrs Don Bergman and daughter Leslie of Irondale visited Sun day night visory committee on organiza tion of a center for environmen tal studies The role of state surveysand mining bureaus was emphasized during the 4 day session in re lation to cooperative programs with ederal agencies such as IZAW Lois 1 Ahn' 'Meyer wiu the program Novem Mrs HorineSpeaker 6r Homemakers oster Home Program The oster Home Monday night Mr and Mrs remont Shaner Mrs Carroll Jones and Mrs Edward Beard Sr attended a reception for Mrs Bernice McHenry who is Grand Representative to Rhode Island of Grand Chapter OES of Missouri at Lesterville Masonic Hall 'Save with the largest fi nancial institution in the area Mr and Mrs Carr and Cynthia Kirkwood visited with his mother Mrs Edith Carr aunt Mrs Bess Rick man and home folks Saturday Mr and Mrs Paul Baker of Marceline Mo were Sunday and Monday visitors with Mr and Mrs John Newton Jr and children the day Tuesday with his mother Mrs Mattle Gibson Mrs Henry Zapf entered Mineral Area Osteopathic Hos pital at armington Sunday afternoon for check up Mr and Mrs Jim Davis and son Artie Paul of Independence Mo spent a week of their va cation with their parents and Mrs Artie McClard Mr and Mrs Paul Davis from each of these groups gave the ederal viewpoint on Mrs Schelhlng and Mrs John Brune attended Sun day morning Worship Services at the Belgrade and Caledonia United Methodist Churches where Mrs Schelhlng was the guest speaker Latertheydrove to Restaurant and were the dinner guests of Mrs Cecil Hughes of Caledonia Star Route Mr and 'Mrs Vamum Mrs John McGeorge of Bis marck and Mrs Lee Denton of Arcadia went to Poplar Bluff on Thursday to pay their respects to Mrs Bert Walker Mrs Walker a former resident of Bismarck passed away on "Wednesday We have so many items in stock that to list them all would be out of the question Marriage License Issued In May Kennon Recorder of Deeds reports the following marriage license Issued in his office May 1st through May 10th May 1st Elroy Eugene Brady Jr armington Mary Louise Mr and Mrs Thomas Tinsley of Arnold and children Dan Suzzanne and Kristi spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Raymond Keay and family Mrs Moneta dren and their Llchlider all of St Louis visit ed Sunday with parents Mr and Mrs Carroll Jones Mr and MrsMorris Denton Jr and children of CrystalCity visited their parents Mr and rs Henry Zap! and Mrs airy Denton Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs John Smith of Cale donia also visited her sister Mrs airy Denton Sunday afternoon THE BIG DOLLAR BANK Mrs Clara Wakefield Mrs Evelyn Lovlen and daughter Miss Pauline Harmon and two children all of Winona Missouri spent Saturday visit ing Mrs Zona Murry Hickory Grove riendly Circle To Meet June 12 Mrs Ben Deorest enter tained ten members and seven guests of the club at her lovely home in armington on May 8th Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Joe Means were her brother Mr Arthur Miller and her niece and family Mr and Mrs Bud Younger and children of Eminence Mrs Viola Thomas of Albuquerque New Mexico and Mrs Thomas Noel visited Mr and Mrs Carmack Thurs day afternoon To list a few as special bargains would be useless as every item in stock is bar gain priced The 'best way to know about the bar gains we have for you is to come in and see for yourself THE BISMARCKGAZETTE May 22 1969 Page 4 Mi's Buford at her home In lat River on June 12th with her sis ter Mrs Womack as co hos tess Mrs Louis Mr and Mrs Elmo Boushon Mrs Ilo Schulz andMrs Bertha Davis were Sunday dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Hollace O'Bryan and son Michael at Ironton Michael Kenneth James Usher son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Usher of Roselle Mo arrived at St Marys of the Ozark Hospital at Ironton May 5 1969and weigh ed 7 lbs 6 ounces Mr Usher is the foster boy that the Rev and Mrs Mason raised Mr Usher two sons and one daughter and the new baby Ken neth visited the Masons Sunday Saturday night Mr and Mrs James Calvin Bell and son Timothy of Moline Acres Mrs brother visited the Rev and MrsfcMason and Mo thers Day Mr and Mrs Bob Hodges and iglrls oi Valles Mines visited her parents Bonne Terre Michael JJarler Bonne Terre Cheryl Pinkston Bonne Terre May 2nd Roy Virgil Bridgewafer lat River Ruth Marie Blount Des loge John VanDover arming ton Dorothy Watts ar mington May 7th John Gordon Helm arming ton Rebecca Ann Baker De Soto May 8th DninA tlf JJ wvv MlUUmiUUl fr iAI River Patricia Ann Green wait Elvins 'Roger Dale Barlow St Louis Charlotte Ann Butler lat River Gary Lynn Barnhouse Doe nun Jeannie Luetta Martin Doe Run Charles Dale Byers Elvins PRESCRIPTIONS ILLED AT REASONABLE PRICES Mrs Pheba Hargrove was a Saturday dinner guest with her daughter Mrs Mabie Watson at armington and Sunday Mrs Hargrove andMrs Watson were six dinner guestsof Mr and Mrs Ralph Watson of St Louis honoring Mothers Day at Restaurant Phones Day PE 4 2611 Night PE 4 2272 Bismarck Missouri Club tour to the State Capitol in JUne vvuijjivic uctdus ueaeni to club presidents very soon Guests of Mrs Mary Mc George for the weekend were her son Staff Sargeant Wm McGeorge from orbes Air orce Base Topeka Kansas her daughters and families Capt and Mrs Larry alkner and little son Jeffry and Mr and Mrs Michael Zerbonia and sons Mikie and Jamie from Hannibal On Saturday Mr and Mrs Bob Owens and son of St Louis visited with them Mrs Owens is a sister ofCapt alkner Capt alkner will leave Tuesday for Viet Nam for a year of duty in the United Still born at St John Mercy States Armed orces there Hospital St Louis May 10 Mrs alkner and little son will luo'j was Edward James Nall son of Mr and Mrs James Nall The Executive Committee was In charge of the Tea They served from a table beautifully decorated with an arrangement Guests were Mrs Miller the of Iris Refreshments of tea host Mr Deorest Mr Bu punch mints nuts and petit ford Mr McGee Mr Schmidt fours were served to those in Mr Shaner and Mr Doerr re attendance: Mrs John Horine president of Washington County Mrs sister MrsHomemakers Association Millerplpedervejjlnner at rances Ross' Helen Newcomb noon and Mr' Buford gave the Leotha Hardy Alta Mont prayer of thanks The business gornery Lena Tullock Helen Lewis Ethel Govro Marie reeman and Evelyn Hawk Jolly Mixers Club Martha 'Thomas and Helen Newcomb riendly olks: Mrs John Eaton Mrs Helen Raue and featured Day and oth Mrs Evelyn Kinkead Cedar er interesting and amusing ar alls Linda Skaggs Viola Hen tides The remainder of the derson Virgie Morris Hazel was spent in looking Kun Club Copenhagen: Across rom The Depot Bismarck Missouri chose a a large access of Professional Geologists ad motner music Miss Viola Young sang "Each or The Wedding Prayer and 1 Love You The reception was lield in the church basem*nt The table was covered with a white lace tablecloth and light blue decorations A beautiful and four tier wedding cake topped with a bride and groom was baked by Mrs Ann ranz at Bismarck Missouri and served by Mrs Ann ranz Punch and coffee was served by Margarett Young sister of the groom and Miss Kay Martin cousin of the Bride The gifts were opened and placed on a table by Mrs Eula Dodson and Mrs Shirley Hundson Miss Gennle Mowrey was in charge vvkupvuiiuvu thw itrnn nf fzvnvt Miss Trease Craig niece of the groom was the flower girl and also was dressed In floor length light blue dress The mother light blue dress with white mum and white ories The wore a pink suit with a large white mum and white access ories Mr Joe Craig a nephew of the groom was ring liearer I Mr Berry Pryor brother of the bride and Mr Samrnv Young brother of the groom the Denart fnforlnr tbo sened as candlellghters Mr Geological Survey the US Rot oung brother of the Bureau of Mines and the De Krootn served iis liest num rvL juotcu iamnv living some after as many as twenty eight Tof Development Representatives years hospitalization And Put A Big Dollar Loan To Work or Bank of Bismarck wood Linda Darnell Campbell Leadwood (Raymond Edgar Stark Jr Pacific Mary Louise Oder Leadington 2 MV 7 Geologist Hayes' President Elect Of Nat Asson State Geologist William Hayes of Rolla Mo IVOC nnmurl nmeMrini z1aa1 At iiainvu coiucui ricti ui wore Identical the Association of American ueojogjsts (aasiu) rec AND LDAM ACcnriAYiAu ARMINGTON MISSOURI Try your Drug Store IRST Always special values in wanted Merchandise Toiletries and Gifts Mrs Erma Worley vice president gavea veryinterest ing and informative report of district meeting held In Cape Girardeau April 9 Part of the program was bv telelecfnre This was a new experience for Marjorie Elizabeth Horn lat many of those In attendance Rlver The theme was Home amily May 9th and You Rockford Dennis Wilfong IT Desloge Shelia Denise Elders Mrs John Horine delegate lat River to Associated Country Women of Kenneth Hampton latRlv the World held in East Lansing er Carol Jones Elvins Michigan gave a very Interest May 10th ing program of the meeting The Charles RlchardNolan Lead lueiue was Learning to Live Women from sixty five coun tries on six continents were in attendance These women con cerned themselves ways people must learn to understand other nations to provide peace and happiness for mankind over the world She used slides to illustrate objectives of the or ganization BIG DOLLARS WILL SEE TgTHROUGH! And to see them through even better send them off to college with a Big" Dollar Ccilqge Savings Attaint of their awn They can write ducks when and where and we do the bookkeeping for them Right now open a College Stovings Account for your coHegel student at the Big Dollar Bank Bar of Bis maroc Bargain Day AT OUR STORE Mr and Mrs Berl Thomas of Albuquerque New Mexico son of Mrs Noel left riday morning for their home after spending the past week visiting Mr anH Tlvimae Klnal Mrs Bernice Howard of El friends and relatives llngton spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs John Martin and all attended the funeral services of Mr Martin's sister in law Mrs Pearl Martin of Middlebrook at Chapel the afternoon Mrs Jerrold Clemons president called the Home makers Extension Association to order May 16 Members joined in a moment of silent prayer in memory of their de parted member Mrs Clara Petersen armington David Mrs David was parlla yirgil Milford Pruitt Bonne mentarlan of the assoclatlonjie Jeanetta Ruth DeClue A report was given on tiie progress of clubs requesting diabetic tests Clubs should have their requests completed by June 1 ntws? Plans wer considered for a the state neetlng of tKeAswciatlon to be held in Columbia June 18 through 20 Miss presentber 21 Pryor Young Wedding Miss Kathleen Lois Pryor daughter of Mr and Mrs Louie Pryor of Boss Missouri be came the bride of David Young son of Mr and Mrs Adolph Young oi Bismarck Missouri tn a beautiful candle light ceremony on Saturday evening April 26th at 8:00 PM at the Boss Assembly of God Church The vows were exchanged before an altar of Candelabras and with beautiful decorated arch with baskets of Gladioli and Carnations The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev Paul Pryor and Rev Char les Leathers The bride was escortedtothe altar and given In marriage by her father She chose a full and floor length gown of white of the guest book lace The gown featured a Kathleen is a 1969 graduate square neck with long tapered of valley High School Dave Is sleeves The train was beautl a 1963 graduate of Bismarck ful scalloped with lace then High School and has served fouV swept to a chapel length She years and nine months In the carried a bridal bouquet of Navy He Is now employed by white carnation and red rose Sales Company They' bn a small White Bible with WH1 be making their home at white streamers Tlie Matron Bismarck Missouri or Honor Miss Landry aulk ner irienu oi tne bride wore light blue floor length dress and carried a white rose with light blue streamers The bridesmaid and Miss Connie Sumpter friend of the bride and Tina Pryor cousin vi uir unw i dress as the Matron of Honor and carried the identical roses ently at the 61st annual iiivCTiun in i uLiun Arizona Approximately 55of the top geologists from 41 states and Canada attended the session 1 designated AASG represents Moonlighters WlllaKollmeyer of tive to the American Institute ICU Stella McDaniel Urban 'ffiehostess served a deji makers: Mrs Don Me Clous fruit punch before the Mrs Henry Moore and meeting adjourned Theron WorieyClearvlew Club will meet again with neignoors Del innegan Little Acorn: Mrs Lasca Gideon Bet ter Homemakers and Mrs Mary Lee Pope Area Home Economist Barbara Bllledo at" Mrs collection nf flna rhln hrlnnkm UUUKI1 lcie 7 CHIU Dr Hayes was also ifmeyer and Sandy Clemons listenihg jo the history of many wakens you off aroma of eocve8ii I Morning becomes Program of armington State Hospital Is now well under way in the St rancois County area Those persons in the community who are particlpatingintheprogram are finding it personally re warding in companionship and the opportunity to help someone in need of a home Patients on leave thus far under the pro gram have successfully ad justed to family living some ui uie groom ana Mr Tim (Pryor cousin of the bride serveu as groomsmen A scientific and technical pro The organist Mr Van Sikes grams Involving the vujeu trauitionat wedding natural resources electrically perking coffee Mornings are electric and the rest of the day as well Air day long electricity is people energy mak ing life better minute by minute low in price and high in value And weiat your investor owned electric it that way Ark Mo 1 gg "Il 'W I 7 CtUAJ I 6 1 1 ts tjl 7 I jBELECTHIC I I I ii sians me moment a nek radio yvu ic tuLny meres ine iar I I 1 I 11 7E ri i 1 a 11 zrr 1' I Xvkk' I fl fl 1 7 1 1 I gBp il I il INJURED.

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Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.